Susannah Mars as Mrs. Lovett and David Pittsinger as Sweeney Todd. Photo: Cory Weaver.
"My second take-away: Susannah Mars is a beast of an actress/singer. She ruled as Mrs. Lovett, the sociopathic pie purveyor. Moving from sung to spoken dialogue seamlessly, naturally, and fluidly, Mars embodied this very complex woman - from hilarious and punny, to poignant, to murderous, just like a fully fleshed character should! No hint of caricature, a brilliant incarnation by Mars.”
Nan Knight Haemer; Northwest Reverb
There are those actors who inhabit their roles so completely and honestly that the audience simply must enter the world of their performance, singers who communicate in a manner that’s so direct and deeply connected to what they're feeling that the audience is swept away by the experience. Susannah is both.
-Christopher Mattaliano; General Director, Portland Opera